
Employee Counseling Services


If this is a medical emergency, please visit the nearest emergency room for evaluation and treatment, or dial 911 or your local law enforcement for assistance.

If an outpatient assessment/evaluation is requested, the employee may contact and schedule an appointment with a mental health/behavioral health professional at a local healthcare facility or Navajo Nation Division of Behavioral and Mental Health Services (NNDBMHS) If the employee is a regular status employee, the Navajo Nation’s health insurance may assist to cover a portion of the cost for the evaluation and recommended treatment at a private facility, so long as the insurance coverage remains active with the employee’s employment.

A listing of health care facilities that specialize in mental health/behavioral health may be requested to offer guidance on who the employee could contact to schedule an assessment. If the employee is a Native American, the employee may visit a local federally-funded healthcare facility and will not have any out-of-pocket costs. If the employee chooses not to seek services at a federally-funded healthcare facility, the employee may contact a provider on the listing to schedule an assessment.

An ECS Supervisory Guide is available for guidance on how to begin the referral process for an employee to seek assistance. Of course, the referral should be to a local healthcare facility or NNDBMHS.

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